Category Ten LLC

Contact Information
Shahan Islam
26 Cannon Road, Wilton, Connecticut 06897, United States
Member Information

Category Ten LLC
“For millions of Americans ensconced at home during the pandemic, Wilton’s Category Ten LLC has just come out with the COVIDOPOLY19 board game. Though you may think it has some similarities to the game Monopoly, there are numerous differences, including that the board spaces represent locations affected by the current pandemic and certain “Ventilator” and “Mask” cards contain facts pertaining to the novel coronavirus and the pandemic. The game pieces include both people and objects of relevance to the pandemic. Players may chose to be mask, sanitizer bottle, aerosol spray, a ventilator, toilet paper (this is not a misprint), thermometer, disinfectant wipes, or a hospital bed. Alternatively any player can choose instead to be a person including Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Dr. Anthony Fauci, etc. The game is on sale at and and at the business location in the historic Cannondale Village.” – Shahan Islam, founder Category Ten, LLC